Now Available in 2024.1 Release: Tableau Pulse, Metrics Layer, Viz Navigation, and More

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Tableau’s latest release brings game-changing features that are set to revolutionise the way you work with data, and Jessica Murguis’s blog post details these updates! With the introduction of Tableau Pulse, Metrics Layer, and Viz Navigation, this release enhances both the power and usability of your data visualisations. These tools together create a more efficient, intuitive, and dynamic experience in Tableau.

Whether you’re managing dashboards for large teams or handling intricate data analysis, this release will help you streamline your workflow and gain deeper insights faster. Jessica’s post goes into detail about each feature, offering practical tips on how to leverage these tools to improve your data-driven decision-making. If you’re ready to elevate your Tableau skills and make the most of these exciting new capabilities, this post is essential reading to transform the way you analyse and visualise data!

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